
Privasea - Testnet


Project Overview

Privasea AI is Confidential AI network enabled by FHEML.

Installation Guide

• Install Docker

source <(wget -O -
sudo groupadd docker && sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami) && newgrp docker
docker pull privasea/acceleration-node-beta:latest

• Create directory

mkdir -p ~/privasea/config && cd ~/privasea

• Run the Command

docker run --rm -it -v "$HOME/privasea/config:/app/config" privasea/acceleration-node-beta:latest ./node-calc new_keystore

• Move the keystore file to a new file

docker run --rm -it -v "$HOME/privasea/config:/app/config" privasea/acceleration-node-beta:latest ./node-calc new_keystore

• Now visit this Privanetix Dashboard

• Connect a wallet where you will recieve reward and then give the node any name, set up commission (I will use 1%), and then enter the node address you note down in above step and then click on Set up my node option.

• Now run the below command to start your Privasea Privanetix Node, Make sure to replace ENTER_YOUR_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD with your Keystore Password, you provided in the above steps

KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=ENTER_YOUR_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD && docker run -d --name privanetix-node -v "$HOME/privasea/config:/app/config" -e KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=$KEYSTORE_PASSWORD privasea/acceleration-node-beta:latest

• For more information visit the docs.

• • • HAPPY RUNNING • • •